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Big Screen Easy To Use Smart Phone

Item Code: HA547

Price £175


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Astonishing value, fully functioning, bang up to date, easy to use smart phone! This amazing phone is simply packed with features including a beautifully clear full colour 5 1/2" touch screen on scratch resistant mineral glass, easy read icons you can see without glasses, a superb 8MP camera with flash and zoom facility and another 5MP front camera for web chat or selfies!

Featuring the latest Android 11 operating system, Bluetooth, Quad Band for world wide use, powerful Quad Core 1.4GHZ processor, expandable memory (up to 128GB), 4G, Wi-Fi and the list goes on... What's more it's contract free, simply add any SIM card and you're off, controlling costs as and when you choose with no extras and no hidden charges.

Complete with radio, MP3 player, 550 minutes talk time and up to 7 days standby, super powerful rechargeable battery and last but not least, it makes and receives calls too! Supplied with easy read training book to get the most from your new phone.

12 month guarentee. Faulty returns only.

5 1/2"H x 2 1/2"W x 1/2"D

Big Screen Easy To Use Smart Phone

Item Code: HA547

Price £175

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Astonishing value, fully functioning, bang up to date, easy to use smart phone! This amazing phone is simply packed with features including a beautifully clear full colour 5 1/2" touch screen on scratch resistant mineral glass, easy read icons you can see without glasses, a superb 8MP camera with flash and zoom facility and another 5MP front camera for web chat or selfies!

Featuring the latest Android 11 operating system, Bluetooth, Quad Band for world wide use, powerful Quad Core 1.4GHZ processor, expandable memory (up to 128GB), 4G, Wi-Fi and the list goes on... What's more it's contract free, simply add any SIM card and you're off, controlling costs as and when you choose with no extras and no hidden charges.

Complete with radio, MP3 player, 550 minutes talk time and up to 7 days standby, super powerful rechargeable battery and last but not least, it makes and receives calls too! Supplied with easy read training book to get the most from your new phone.

12 month guarentee. Faulty returns only.

5 1/2"H x 2 1/2"W x 1/2"D

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